Sunday, April 12, 2009


New At Microsoft

I am having a tough time with this assignment. I mean no offense to our esteemed professor, the class, the journalists who blog incessantly about these kinds of subjects, or Microsoft. I just find it extremely difficult to care about what the "propeller heads" underneath Redmond WA. are busy constructing in order to turn yet more profit for Gates et al. Any information I find on the internet from the vast propaganda arm of the corporation is sure to be tinged with self-serving "information" about the latest beta release of Windows 7, a new smart-phone, or a merger with Google, or Sun, or............ Anything from the host of "independent" journalists on the subject would be so loaded with speculation as to render the information useless when planning what equipment should be on next years capitol tool budget. Employees of Microsoft surely are required to sign disclosure agreements as a condition of employment making any insider information extremely limited in scope. I've owned a Mac since 1984 and even they (Apple) leave me less than enthused about the latest gizmo or must-have software. I'll admit the iphone is pretty cool though.

With all that said, here are my prognostications for the future:

Microsoft will release Windows 7 this year in order to satisfy all the critics of Vista. Their products (including Windows 7) will continue to be vulnerable to attack from nefarious computer thugz and criminal enterprise.

Microsoft will release a smartphone to compete with iphone. They will try to run some version of Windows OS on the phone making it less than spectacular for the reasons I've just mentioned.

Microsoft will continue with the mega-merger business model. They will probably merge with Yahoo, giving the new company an even greater footprint on the device/search engine playing field. Also this would allow search results to point clearly to Microsoft sponsored solutions. How convenient. This proposed merger would bring together three companies which all would share the same characteristic. A complete lack of coherent direction in the post Wall Street uberalles world.

For those that think I've "copped-out" (age showing here) you're probably right. I probably chose the easiest path when planning my response to this assignment. Someday I may be able to write enthusiastically about the latest technological device or program. I hope that day is soon to come, but first corporations must begin to take seriously their responsability to consumers to build products that truely enhance quality of lives and not quantity of shareholder money.

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